From HIS HIDDEN PLACE, GOD Orchestrates Life

March 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

From HIS HIDDEN PLACE, GOD Orchestrates Life

Purim and its focus on the Hidden God of the BOOK of ESTHER/MEGILLA ESTHER has reminded us that, although we make decisions to act according to what we plan, and God does not prevent us from doing so by transforming us into robots, the planned and coincidental actions in which we engage are somehow orchestrated into an outcome that serves God’s purpose.

Haman’s plans seemed to go forward as he manipulated Ahashverosh into giving him permission to exterminate the Jews by hiding their identity in “a certain people”. Obviously, Haman had enough of the King’s confidence to accomplish this manipulation without raising the King’s curiosity about the identity of these “certain people”.

Although this may seem out of character for a King of Ahashverosh’s stature, it is believable given the King’s unexplained honoring of Haman. So, Haman has the King’s ear and has succeeded in luring him into a decision that we might not expect him to make, had he known that the “certain people” were the Jews. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Darius before him had entered into a deep respect for the God of the Jews, whose behind-the-scenes action on behalf of His people became obvious to them. They came to understand that despite their will to the contrary, this God had His way. It would be understandable for Ahashverosh to continue with that respect. His decision, once he learned Esther was a Jew, to have Haman hanged was very quick, and seems to indicate more than just sentimental love for his wife. So, if he had even some measure of Nebuchadnezzar’s respect and fear of the God of the Jews, his decision to abandon Haman, whom he obviously respected and honored, is more believable. This would give his decision to have Haman hanged more substance than simply pleasing his new wife, who was, after all, a Jewess.

He subsequently authorised a counter decree to Haman’s, since he could not simply annul that one. This new decree gave the Jews throughout the empire the right to defend themselves, indicating his position regarding the Jews in his territories; he protected them. Whether he knew enough Torah to understand that he would “be blessed” if he “blessed the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”, or whether he decides simply out of fear of their God, we do not know; but he did decide in their favor.

All of this is simply to say that, although I pointed out that from His Hidden Place, God orchestrated the seemingly random events to protect and save His people, He does not deny free will to the various characters involved in the story. Mordecai can decide to make his Jewish identity known even though he has counselled Esther to hide hers. King Ahashverosh can decide to honor Haman for whatever reason he wishes. Esther can decide to risk death and go, un-summoned, before the King. Haman can decide to build a 75 foot gallows to hang Mordecai. Human free will is intact; all those decisions, taken together, just happen to cause events to unfold in ways that accomplish what God determines to accomplish. Hence the view that “in all things God works together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Apparent coincidental events can thus be understood as Divine Appointments.

So, this Purim-based reflection has inspired me anew to become more aware of all things around me in the light of the WORD. Circumstances may seem chaotic, but our trust that behind all of these circumstances, whether in the larger world or in our personal lives, the LORD GOD is Sovereign and His purpose is unfolding.

Whatever re-aligning is occurring in the Muslim world as the Sunnis and Shiites work out their differences, God’s mysterious purpose for His people will work itself out. Isaiah’ prophetic word may not look possible quite yet, but in some important respects Egypt seems to be moving into a position of some alignment with Israel.

In chapter 19, Isaiah prophesies: “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be a third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, ‘Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.’”

Today Egypt and Saudi Arabia, because of the internal Muslim agendas regarding the Muslim Brotherhood, are aligning against Assyria, modern day Iran; but at the same time they have some common concerns with Israel.

In the March 14th issue of Middle East Forum, Jonathan Spyer explores the “new topography” emerging in the Arab world; a fascinating  discussion well worth reading.

This is a far cry from the prophetic picture described by Isaiah; but, as I mentioned earlier, this Purim season has inspired my faith in the reliability of the LORD GOD of Israel, the HIDDEN GOD of the Universe, when He gives prophetic insight through His chosen Prophets, in this case, Isaiah.

I will conclude with a brief story of prophecy being fulfilled that we personally saw in Jerusalem on recent visits. The Hinnom valley south of mount Zion used to be, in Biblical days, a valley of dead bodies, child sacrifice with smoke rising from continual burning of refuse. It was also called Gehenna and synonymous with hell.  Although no longer a place of continual burning, the valley was still rather bleak when I first saw it in 1982. However, in our 2012 and 2013 visits we saw a park-like valley with walking paths, trees and benches.

Only later did I learn about the prophecy in Jeremiah 31:40. Here Jeremiah says, “The whole valley where dead bodies and ashes are thrown, and all the terraces out to the Kidron Valley on the east as far as the corner of the Horse Gate, will be holy to the LORD. The city will never again be uprooted or demolished.”

 I don’t know if it is already “holy to the LORD”, but it has certainly been cleaned up. Encouraging! As is the last sentence; if we are seeing the valley prophecy being fulfilled, then we can expect that last sentence to be true as well.


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